Sunday, October 5, 2008

completely spent

Went to the weird punk show last night. Neptune canceled at the last minute, citing 'incurable van problems'. I was really disappointed as they were the main reason i had bought tickets. the deathset were fun and boisterous, shearing pinx weren't bad and AIDS Wolf (getting Laids Wolf, as they called themselves last night due to a guitarist being out with food poisoning) were, well... i left 20 mins into their set while the singer was on the floor in the crowd in fetal position with the mic in her mouth.
All in all, I got my 10 bucks worth and had some good company.

Decided to meet up with Sharon at Vinyl afterwards and she force-fed me mdma. Okay, well, it was more like: 'Open your mouth and swallow this', so obviously i did. things get a little fuzzy after that, but i do remember cabbing it to my place after we realized she had no booze in her apartment - the cabbie was blaring salsa music - like a few hundred decibels over comfortable blaring. Kicked her out shortly before 7am after hours of pointless blethering. I am completely destroyed. This is gonna be a crazy busy week at school, the job hunt continues ( haven't called back - bastards!... i just wanna climb in to bed and sleep till it warm outside again.

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