Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jacob's Ladder is on Scream. I love this movie. It really disturbed me the first me i saw it, but i was 12 years old, so I forgive myself that. One of the few movies ***spoiler alert*** where the whole 'this story never actually happened either cause it was a dream or some kind of between life and death hallucination' doesn't feel like cop-out.

There's a thunderstorm happening as I type- i can't remember a summer with more thunderstorms in my 27 years of existence. Everybody's going on about how crappy this summer has been, and i don't necessarily dispute that, but i prefer this to the super hot, muggy weather that we usually get here during summertime. That being said, i hope that it's nice and hot in a month's time when i'm lounging seaside in The Hague. A little beach, a little war crimes museum - it'll be a great couple of days.

i'm reading three books concurrently: The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner, Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon and Lanark by Alaisder Gray. All three storylines, despite been completely not even close to similar, are starting to meld together in my mind to form some sory of hybrid, never-before-seen narrative. All three are great so far, although the Sound and the Fury is quite maddening in its non-linearness and time shifts and stream of consciousness style. The content is great, just a little frustrating in its presentation. I haven't had this much difficulty following a story in a long time. And they teach this novel to kids in high school!! it's all very humbling, says the girl who's considering doing a masters in comparitive literature. hahaha.

Friday, July 3, 2009

end of an era

Goodbye Saku - I always thought that he would play his whole career here and retire as a Hab. I shouldn't even be thinking about hockey in early July, but the free agent frenzy here in montreal a few days ago has sparked my interest and got me really anticipating next season. Early October can't come fast enough, as far as i'm concerned.

This is a fitting tribute to our team's captain of 10 years - got me all teary-eyed, actually! haha