Monday, March 21, 2011


I'm halfway done my CELTA course!! So far i've taught in front of a classroom for 4 hours with another 4 to go. Two assignments out of four done. Two more weeks of getting up at 7AM. It's not easy, and I don't know if i'm going to be able to work regular business hours full-time. I'm just not wired that way. it goes against my nature. 10AM until 6PM i could handle, maybe.

I have to write my lesson plan for tomorrow's class which takes me about 3-4 hours. All i really want to do is finish Dragon Age 2 (yes, i'm a nerd but the story is really compelling! haha)

Vice just launched a new music site @ . Lots of good bands like No Joy and Das Racist on there. Many hours have already been killed there today.

I've also spent the last hour laughing at Business Cat . It's been that kind of day so far, doing anything but what I should be, pissing away my one study day during this intensive course. But hey, at least i'm having a ton of fun doing it!!