exhibit one

exhibit two

in other news, i have strep throat which is very unsexy. it's good in a way because 1) i'm forced to clean up my act and no booze, cigarettes and other things means more money in my pocket 2) it hurts to swallow so i'm not eating as much as normal and as such will hopefully lose a few pounds in the next couple of weeks because 3) as of today we are booked and I'M HEADED TO CUBA IN 15 DAYS!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! so i'd much rather get sick now than on vacation like i usually do.
it's been especially nasty weather wise the last seven days or so, after a very mild winter thus far. Just last week I was thinking about how warm and snow-free this winter had been so far, jinxing all of eastern Canada in the process. I have seen enough -20's to last me for this season, thanks!!!!
Robert Smith's signature Schecter guitar has gone on special and is now only $786,91!
If only i had a US mailing address and $786.91!
In the meantime, i am getting into Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire (the latter makes me wanna dip into the bottle of Canadian Club in my freezer... stupid illness!!!!), and listening to lots of dub to get into beach mode. Beach mode is so fucking far removed from Montreal in January, it's not even funny!
who's the 2nd dude with the gun tattoo? yum.
ps you just reminded me, i have to throw on some ASIAN DUB FOUNDATION
that's Paul Simonon, bassist for The Clash. most def yummy!!!
good call on the Asian Dub Foundation. gotta bring that with you so we can rock out in the room! haha
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