Thursday, September 16, 2010

the internet

sometimes i get a random day off during the week. Since i'm not in school this semester, i will have full days off occasionally, which is super awesome.

take today for instance. I'm sitting on my couch, head swimming with tiredness cause i had a real crap sleep - to make a long story short, i was awoken at 8 am after 3 hours of sleep by buzzsaws and hammering. turned out that they were changing the windows in the three apartments below me. they didn't change mine - i didn't ask, i just wanted sleep.

i'm kinda trapped at my place for the next few hours because i'm awaiting UPS' second delivery attempt of my most recent Amazon order. I can't wait to get my hands on House of Leaves, this book i just ordered. I'm currently a third into A Confederacy of Dunces, which i'm enjoying very much so far (i haven't loled while reading this much since trainspotting) but I absolutely can't wait to dive into House of Leaves - i'm sure i'll be writing a lengthy blurb about it sometime soon.

so anyway i'm being totally lazy, just lurking on Reddit and i stumble onto this thread which is a mindfuck on its own, but that's besides the point. so, i'm reading the comments which branch out ad infinitum as usual and someone links a youtube clip of the no-legs subway guy from Kids and that gets me reminiscing about Kids, cause i really liked that movie in my early teens (larry clark has sorta gone downhill in my esteem since then, but i digress) and that gets me to thinking about the guy who played Casper, who i always thought was quite cute and foul-mouthed. Then i remember that he killed himself so i head to imdb to check out his page to see how he did it and that leads me to the imdb message threads on his profile, in which a poster mentions the movie Less Than Zero, which kind of sounds familiar, but i know i've never seen it. I'm downloading it and really anxious to watch it. Robert Downey Jr. when he was still fucked up in the late 80's and the hotness of James Spader.

This is the sort of thing that makes me realize how cool the internet is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...