Thursday, May 20, 2010

so it goes...

no matter what bullshit life throws at you, there's nothing more comforting than being able to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face and good friends in your corner. that's all that really matters in the end.

hit a little speedbump in my summer of awesomeness, but it's nothing i can't handle. there's so much to look forward to, it's pretty staggering. Re-issue of Disintegration, new Arcade Fire album and Osheaga performance, lots of cabin action and camping, not to mention bike rides and swims and hikes and maybe a little LSD thrown in for good measure!

A little bullshit is a small price to pay to be reminded of how awesome your friends and family are - the important things are so easily overlooked or taken for granted.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i suddenly feel like Catherine Deneuve's character from Repulsion

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

game 7 up in the biatch!!

So I have barely posted about hockey this season due to feeling a little detached from team during the regular season. all the new faces, new coach, new system, etc... not to mention the general crapiness of this last regular season.

Come playoff time though, this all started to change.We are 2 hours away from game 7 of the 2nd round. This would be the furthest the Habs made it into the playoffs s9ince i starting watching hockey religiously in 2001.

Win or lose, I am so proud of the team and have been guilty of not having faith several times over the course of the last 13 playoff games. Well, I think we can do it, but even if we don't, there will be booze and friends to take comfort in!